Survival Arabic Video Series

This online resource will prepare you for the first two or three weeks of your stay in Jordan. It covers some basic expressions and phrases required for daily communication. The topics covered are greetings, introducing oneself, currency and numbers, and useful expressions and compliments. Each topic ends with a dialogue that activates some of the phrases and it is provided in both audio and text format.[su_accordion]

After you review the video lesson below and practice with the companion lesson sheet and audio, please provide your feedback to the question at the bottom by replying to the discussion.

Listen/Download the vocabulary used in the lesson

View/Download the Lesson Sheet

Listen to the audio companion of the Lesson Sheet

Discussion: In Arab Culture, as you learned, people greet each other by saying hello, shaking hands, hugging and kissing (even among men!). How do people greet each other in your country? And are there any special cultural factors that should be considered when people of the opposite sex greet each other?After you review the video lesson below and practice with the companion lesson sheet and audio, please provide your feedback to the question below by replying to the discussion at the bottom.

View/Download the Lesson Sheet

Listen to the audio companion of the Lesson Sheet

Discussion: Arabs love asking and taking questions about culture. What kind of questions do you think would be appropriate/ not appropriate to ask when you first meet an Arab? And since you will be here to learn more about Jordan and Arabic, what are 3-4 questions you aim to learn mote about while studying here?

After you review the video lesson below and practice with the companion lesson sheet and audio, please provide your feedback to the question below by replying to the discussion at the bottom.

View/Download the Lesson Sheet

Listen to the audio companion of the Lesson Sheet

Discussion: Look at the picture below and post your directions to go to the following places. You can type in Arabic or transliteration. Let's see how many you get right!!

كيف بروح لـَ ... Keef barooH la

1. الباص elbaaS

2. المستشفى elmustashfaa

3. المطعم الإيطالي elmaTa'am EliTaali

4. من المطعم الإيطالي للبنك (min elmaTa'am EliTaali lalbank (from .... to

5. من البنك للحمّام min elbank lalHammaam

After you review the video lesson below and practice with the companion lesson sheet and audio, please provide your feedback to the question below by replying to the discussion at the bottom.

View/Download the Lesson Sheet

Listen to the audio companion of the Lesson Sheet

Discussion: What are popular dishes you recommend visitors to try when traveling to your country? In the Arab World, table manners can be different. Eating with your right hand for instance is believed to make you have a connection with food and those you eat with. What food etiquette do you believe your culture is known for? Review the video lesson below and practice with the companion lesson sheet and audio. You post any questions or feedback by replying to the discussion at the bottom.

View/Download the Lesson Sheet

Listen to the audio companion of the Lesson Sheet

After you review the video lesson below and practice with the companion lesson sheet and audio, please provide your feedback to the question at the bottom by replying to the discussion.

View/Download the Lesson Sheet

Listen to the audio companion of the Lesson Sheet

Discussion: You made a shopping list to do your grocery shopping for the week and that is what you had on it (below you'll find a picture of your list)

- 2 cans of olives           - 2 kilos of cucumber

- 1 carton of milk         - 0.5 kilo of oranges

- 1.5 kilos of banana     - 1 container of cheese

- 1 container of yogurt

- 1 kilo of apples

- 2 plates of chicken

When you arrive at the store you realize that you have 12 JDs only! Adjust your list by making a new one (what and how much of each). Record yourself reading your list! You can attach your recorded audio file in your discussion post.