2021-2022 Winter Term

# Schedule:


\[su_row]**Classes & Finals:**

Your daily class schedule will be sent to you via email on the evening of December 29, 2021. In the winter, you will take 3 class-hours per day (each class-hour is 50 minutes). While your individual schedule may differ, all students will have their 3 class-hours between 8am and 4pm, Sunday through Thursday.

Please note that if you are joining us as a part of a university group or are taking private classes, your schedule will/may be slightly different.

## Important Notes:

## Passports


After you go through passport control in Amman, you will notice inside your passport a small sticker with a barcode and a number. We urge you not to remove the sticker during your entire stay in Amman. This barcode is used by Jordanian authorities to identify you in the case of multiple entries and exit. It's there to keep you and the country safe and avoid any hassles for future travels into and outside the country.

## Jordan Pass

A number of students purchase the [Jordan Pass](https://www.jordanpass.jo/) prior to their arrival in Amman. Please note that, for those who have purchased the pass and plan on staying in Amman for more than 1 month, you will be charge 40 JOD by the local Jordanian authorities when you apply for an extension on your visa. You can find out more about the visa extension process [here](https://help.qasid.com/article/40-do-i-need-to-apply-for-a-travel-visa).

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